Admission Streams for Undergraduate Studies (Bachelor)

Admission to undergraduate studies at the Hebrew University is possible through several admission streams as detailed below.

Direct Admission Based on Equivalent Certificate

Equivalent Certificate = A high school matriculation/graduation certificate considered by the Hebrew University to be equivalent to the Israeli Bagrut and enables candidacy for degree programs without the Mechina (Preparatory Program).
Most departments offer direct admission based on high school/matriculation achievements (without the need for a psychometric test score). Candidates must meet all other admission requirements (Hebrew, English, etc.).
On the Admissions Prospects Site candidates with relevant certificates can enter their grades in order to check eligibility for direct admission. Candidates with equivalent certificates that are not offered the possibility to check eligibility for direct admission on the site may submit an appeal to the Appeals Committee, provided that they have achieved excellent academic performance.


Admission Based on Entrance Test - Psychometric Test/ SAT/ACT

Applicants that have Israeli Bagrut equivalency (candidates holding an equivalent certificate or candidates that have completed the Mechina Program or a full year of studies at a recognized university) can be be admitted based on the Psychometric Test, SAT or ACT scores alone. The Schools of Medicine and Dental Medicine do not accept SAT/ACT scores in lieu of Psychometric Test scores.

The required scores are set per program. Some programs use only one type of score (e.g. general score for Medicine, QE - Quantitative Emphasis score - for the Faculty of Science etc.). Some programs accept the higher score from the general or QE and some programs accept the VE (Verbal Emphasis Score) as well and will consider the highest of all types of score.
In accordance, the SAT score is listed as an average that can be calculated in three ways: general score (50% EBRW, 50% Math); QE (0.67*Math + 0.33*EBRW); VE (0.67*EBRW + 0.33*Math).

In some programs there is an acceptance score and a rejection score. Applicants whose score is between the two, will be wait-listed until a final score is determined.


Admission Based on Rothberg Mechina Studies

Admission based on Mechina average and Psychometric/SAT score

Mechina students with high achievements may use their final Mechina average in combination with an entrance test (Psychometric Test, SAT/ACT) in order to improve their admission prospects.
Please note: For admission to the Faculty of Science, the School of Computer Sciences and Engineering, the Faculty of Agriculture, Food and the Environment (with the exception of Environmental Economics), the Faculty of Medicine (with the exception of Nursing and Occupational Therapy) and the Faculty of Dental Medicine, only the Engineering or the Science track of the Mechina are accepted. 
Applicants that have completed the course Calculus II can receive a bonus and reach a final average above 100.

Admission based on Mechina Module

Admission is based on completing specific courses (module, in Hebrew סַל) in the Mechina, with a minimum average, according to the required track and the major of choice. Applicants must meet all other admission requirements (Hebrew, English, etc.).  
A list of required modules according to departmens can be found here.

*valid as of the academic year 2018/19


Core Courses according to Module

Engineering Module

Science Module

Economics-Business Module

Humanities-Social Sciences Module

Mandatory Courses

Math - Calculus I (8 credits)
Math - Calculus II (8 credits)

Physics A - Mechanics (8 credits)
Physics B - Electricity (8 credits)

Contemporary History (4 credits)

Mandatory Courses

Math – Intro. to Basic Calculus (8 credits)
Math - Basic Calculus (8 credits)

Intro. to Biology A (5 credits)
Intro. to Biology B (5 credits)

Academic Writing (4 credits)

Contemporary History (4 credits)


Mandatory Courses

Intro. to Basic Calculus (8 credits)

Intro. to Biology (5 credits)
course in Social Sciences (min. 4 credits) 

Academic Writing (4 credits)

Contemporary History (4 credits)


Mandatory Courses

Math - Probability (4 credits)

Course in Social Sciences
(4 credits )

Academic Writing (4 credits)

Contemporary History (4 credits)


Elective Courses

There are no elective courses available in this module. 

Elective Courses

There are no elective courses available in this module.

Elective Courses

Math - Basic Calculus (8 credits)


2 electives in Humanities/Social Sciences (8 credits)


Hebrew course level Bet or  Gimel (7 credits) - not available  to students improving grades

Elective Courses

Math - Basic calculus (8 credits) + elective course in Social Sciences (4 credits)


3 electives in Humanities/Social Sciences (10-12 credits)


Hebrew course level  Bet or Gimel (7 credits) + elective (4 credits) - not available  to students improving grades


Total Credits: 36

Total Credits: 34

Total Credits: 27-28 

Total Credits: 26-28



Admission Based on Previous Degree

Holders of a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree from a recognized university may be accepted to most departments without taking and Entrance Test (Psychometric Test/SAT).
The stream is not offered for admission to the following programs: Specializations in Biotechnology (in Agriculture), Amirim Honors Program, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics, Computer Sciences, Computer Science and Computational Biology, Accounting, Business Administration, Economics, Cognitive and and Brain Sciences, Bio-Medical Sciences, MATAR (Interfaces of Technology, Society and Networks), Law, Statistics and Data Science, Social Work, PPE (Philosophy, Political Science and Economics), Psychology, Psychobiology, Pharmacy (incl. Excellence program), Occupational Therapy, Medicine, Dental Medicine.

Holders of a PhD degree can be accepted without taking an Entrance Test to all departments excluding Medicine, Military Medicine, Dental Medicine and Veterinary Medicine.


Admission Based on Partial Academic Studies

A number of departments allow admission based on completion of at least two full years of academic studies at an accredited university (not including distance learning) without an Entrance Test score. Minium averages vary between programs. 

An average equivalent to 75 allows admission to the Faculty of Humanities with the following exceptions: Education, Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Amirim Honors Program, Revivim.

An average equivalent to 80 allows admission to the following programs: Geography, Geography Environment and Geoinformatics, Education, International Relations, Political Science, Sociology and Anthropology, Communication and Journalism.

An average equivalent to 85 allows admission to the following programs: 
Faculty of Science - Chemistry, Biology, Earth Sciences, Environmental Sciences.
Faculty of Agriculture - Agroecology and Plant Health, Agroinformatics, Environmental Economics and Management, Animal Sciences, Plant Science in Agriculture, Plant Sciences in Agriculture and Enviromental Economics, Soil and Water Sciences, Soil and Water Environmental Economics and Management, Nature Conservation and Landscape Management.

Applicants who completed a full academic year at the Hebrew University (minimum 32 credits in the Humanities and Social Sciences, 38 credits in Law or Environmental Economics, 45 credits in the Sciences), may submit a request to the Admissions Committee to consider their grades for admission. The request will be reviewed according to places available at the time the grades are submitted. 


Additional Admission Streams

Affirmative Action

The University reserves a few places in each department for applicants whose achievements fall slightly short of the admission requirements and are eligible for affirmative action.
Eligibility for affirmative action is examined by the Society for Advancement of Education. The program is intended for candidates that were not able to fulfil their academic potential during high school years due to personal difficulties, family issues or socioeconomic disadvantage. Each candidate is evaluated individually and given a score. The threshold for eligibility is 30 points.

Eligible applicants will be considered on a competitive basis according to the number of places in the department allocated for affirmative action.
Candidates are advised to submit all relevant documents as early as possible to the Society for Advancement of Education and no later than February of the same year. Consideration of late applicants cannot be guaranteed. Additional details:

Appeals Committee

Candidates may appeal a decision if they can provide information that was initially not considered. Only candidates that have submitted an application can appeal to the committee. A written appeal, together with all relevant documentation, must be submitted on the application website. 
The Admissions Committee is the final arbiter, and its decisions are not reversible.